Monthly Meeting – note 3rd Wednesday
A Christmas Miscellany (Show) Mike Brook
A Christmas Miscellany (Show) Mike Brook
Speaker :- one of our own, Richard Clark Art Forgery Art is big business nowadays but do you know whether these expensive works of art are genuine? Richard will talk about three well known forgers,their techniques and how new methods of detecting fakes are in use.
Love & Sex in Victorian Times Dr Gryllis
One of our own Andy Carter Presents HANKY PANKY The early Shadows Hits (“with a bit of Cliff thrown in”) Including Andy playing his guitar to backing tracks he has recorded himself
Electricity Electricity powers the modern world, providing a huge variety of major benefits for Humanity. And yet we take it for granted and very few of us know what electricity is or how it is generated. British scientists were responsible for much of the early study and understanding of electricity. This laid the foundations for … Read more
Cinema Nigel Harris
The Roles of a TV & Film Extra Rob Brewer Our speaker has been a TV/Film Extra for 6 years having been on over 40 different features. From Hollywood Blockbusters (Batman, Bond, Wonder Woman) low budget films (Blinded by the Light) to TV dramas, soaps and comedies and even a couple of adverts. He will … Read more