Readers’ Circle-3

Readers' Circle - 3

Where: Members’ Homes
When: Monthly 1st Friday(except January & August) 10.30-12.00
Why belong to a book club? It is astonishing how 9 people can read the same book and come away with such different points of view on character, plot, style of writing and insight into human nature. You would never get such diverse observation into a book if you read it by yourself. In our imagination we climb the Himalayas , go into deserts with Arabs, witness love affairs and murders all from the comfort of own home.
The group also offers friendship and laughter plus a surfeit of cake and biscuits. What more could you want every month?
At the present time the group membership is full , but please contact the group leader to be placed on the waiting list.
Forthcoming Meetings
  • 10:30:am
  • 10:30:am
  • 10:30:am
