Walks, Exploring London

Walks Exploring London

Where: London, various
When: Usually the Friday after the Wednesday meeting (except Jan,Jul, Aug and Dec), First train after 9.00.
In January there is usually a presentation on the year’s walks
London offers a wide variety of streets, lanes, alleys, squares, parks and gardens to explore and so could enable us to have a deeper appreciation of our the cultural and historical heritage.
We try to organise a walk every month, except in the Winter months and during the Summer holidays. Normally the walk does not exceed 4 miles and is taken at a steady pace with a break for lunch. Sometimes a ‘mini-visit’ is included for a particular place of interest.
The walks are posted on the notice board at the monthly Wednesday meeting and usually takes place on the following Friday. For safety and comfort considerations, the group size is limited to twenty.
The walk Leaders make a reconnaissance of the route to check its suitability and to find a place for lunch. They also provide a leaflet giving details of the walk. A small charge is made to cover the travel and leaflet production costs.
By using a Travelcard we are able to roam over the whole of London and the suburbs. We take the first ‘cheap-day’ train to London which typically starts at Aylesbury Vale Parkway at 9.15 a.m. and members join the train at stations on the route.
Forthcoming Meetings

    Exploring London



    Butlers Wharf

    Butlers Wharf

    St Bride

    St Bride

    Tower Bridge

    Tower Bridge

    Exploring London
    Exploring London






    Belgravia Butlers Wharf St Bride Tower Bridge Exploring London Exploring London Westminster Westminster Westminster